Program | Funds provided in FY 2009 |
Tibetan refugee programs Funds the refugee transit process for Tibetans crossing the border, including the reception centers, health care, food, clothing, transportation, and new arrival stipends; a large proportion of the exile government’s health care system for 110,000 Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal; and a variety of education programs for Tibetans in exile, such as the Tibetan Children’s Village at Bir, the Tibetan Homes Foundation, the Transit School. |
Not specified ($2.5 million traditionally) |
Development inside Tibet Funds non-governmental organizations to support activities which preserve cultural traditions and promote sustainable development and environmental conservation in Tibetan communities on the Tibetan plateau, including the projects of The Bridge Fund. |
$7.3 million |
Radio Free Asia/Voice of America Funds Tibetan language broadcasts into Tibet, their only source of broadcast information not controlled by the Chinese government. |
Not specified ($3.3 million budgeted) |
Tibetan Fulbright Scholarship Program Provides support to more tan 300 Tibetan students and professionals (in exile) seeking higher education and professional training at United States universities. |
$750,000 |
Ngwang Choephel Fellows program Supports cultural and academic exchange opportunities for Tibetans from Tibet. |
$650,000 |
National Endowment for Democracy Supports human rights and democracy programs relating to Tibet, including grants for Tibetan human-rights and pro-democracy non-governmental organizations based in exile. |
$250,000 |
Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Funds the staffing (three people currently) and activities of the Special Coordinator, which by law is charged with coordinating U.S. policy on Tibet and promoting dialogue between the Dalai Lama the Chinese government. |
$1 million |
Tibet Section in Beijing Embassy Earmarked funds to establish a Tibet Section within the U.S. Embassy in Beijing to monitor political, economic, and social developments inside Tibet, until a consulate in Lhasa is set up. |
$1 million |
TOTAL | $16.8 million |
Settlement Revitalization New initiative designed to protect Tibetan identity, language, culture and religion by revitalizing the 50-year old Tibetan refugee settlements in India, Nepal, and Bhutan through education, health care, infrastructure, workforce, and organic agriculture development. |
New program; not yet funded |
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