The Art of Peace Foundation, with artists including Sting, Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel and Elbow, has created a collection of songs for the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday. The album is a celebration of the Dalai Lama’s philosophy of peace, non-violence and compassion.
The collection, entitled The Art of Peace (#SongsForTibet), is in harmony with Tibet’s rich culture, in which Tibetan singers traditionally express their devotion to the exiled religious leader the Dalai Lama through song despite the oppressive political climate and lack of freedoms.
Proceeds of ‘Songs for Tibet’ will go towards Tibetan cultural-preservation projects and a unique scheme providing vocational education to Tibetans.
Matteo Mecacci, President of the International Campaign for Tibet, said: “We are delighted to support Songs for Tibet as a special musical tribute to the life of the Dalai Lama. From being a refugee and a stateless spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama has become a moral figure loved and respected all over the world. This album is also a sober reminder that a new generation of Tibetans including many singers, risk their lives in Tibet to express their devotion to the Dalai Lama and his message of peace and cultural preservation. Sadly singers face imprisonment in Tibet in doing so – for instance Lo Lo, serving six years for releasing a CD with a song called ‘Children of the Snowlands’ and Gonpo Tenzin, who was tortured due to his popular songs about Tibetan culture. It is meaningful to see famous western artists coming together in solidarity to express their appreciation for the Dalai Lama on this special occasion.”
The album, coordinated by renowned songwriter and record producer Rupert Hine, is designed to focus people’s attention on the global significance of the Dalai Lama, his teachings and the gift of Tibetan culture. All of the foundation’s fundraising goes towards peace-related missions and Tibetan cultural preservation projects.
Michael Wohl, executive director of the Art of Peace Foundation and project originator, said: “Never before, and perhaps never again, has someone like the Dalai Lama been able to deliver a message of peace and compassion that resonates so deeply across diverse national, religious and ethnic backgrounds around the globe. The Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday is a wonderful opportunity for the world to recognise and celebrate this.”
- ‘Songs for Tibet’ is available for pre-order this week on and will release July 6th 2015. This will be the second album created by The Art of Peace Foundation following the huge success of the first in 2008.
- The Art of Peace Foundation’s first album in 2008 was top on iTunes across the world and featured songs from Alanis Morissette, John Mayer, Moby and Dave Mathews Band.
- The International Campaign for Tibet has released a report focusing on Tibetan singers and artists and the dangers they face entitled ‘In the Teeth of the Storm: lack of freedom of expression and cultural resilience in Tibet’
- About The Art of Peace Foundation: The Art of Peace Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded on the Dalai Lama’s belief of “Universal Responsibility” and the belief that regardless of political, cultural or religious differences, that skillful compassionate actions can reduce suffering and promote happiness. Its projects focus on promoting and preserving Tibetan culture and ideals.