The Chinese government gave a direct response in Geneva last night defending its policies on religion in Tibet, in response to a statement delivered by ICT President Matteo Mecacci on behalf of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights at the UN Human Rights Council.
A Chinese government representative defended the official Party line in response to the statement, saying that “All types of religious activity proceed normally in Tibet” and that religious freedom was fully respected.
The full statement can be viewed below (2 hour, 54 minute, 33 second mark):
President of the International Campaign for Tibet Matteo Mecacci had delivered a statement at the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief at the 28th United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 11. Mr Mecacci had pointed to the Special Rapporteur’s comments that minorities are often “demonized as allegedly posing a dangerous threat”, saying that this is what systematically happens in the PRC with regard to Tibetan Buddhists.
The Chinese government’s aggressive policies towards the Dalai Lama and religion in Tibet have been evident in hardline comments by Party officials, made in the week of the March 10 Uprising anniversary.
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