The March 2003 issue of Liaowang Xizang, the Chinese-language journal published by the International Campaign for Tibet, discusses the implication of the execution of Lobsang Thondup and the death sentence passed on Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a lama from Eastern Tibet.
Three Chinese writers, Wang Lixiong, Mo Li and Tienchi Liao, give their perspectives on the development. Wang’s article questions the Chinese Supreme Court on the irregularities connected with the suspended death sentence on Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. Mo Li and Tienchi opine that the development would further strain the tense relationship between Tibetans and Chinese. Mo Li goes further and blames the former Sichuan Party Secretary, Zhou Yongkang, for the development saying this was his way to control Tibetans.
“It is very encouraging to find that many Chinese are beginning to realize the discriminatory policies that the Chinese government is adopting towards the Tibetan people,” said Rinchen Tashi, Liaowang Xizang’s editor. “Lobsang Thondup and Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s cases have shown to the Chinese people that even the little legal rights that the Chinese people enjoy today are denied to the Tibetans,” Tashi added.
The journal also carries the text of the Dalai Lama’s statement on the anniversary of March 10 Tibetan National Uprising in which he reiterates his commitment for a peaceful negotiated settlement to the Tibetan problem.
The editorial in this issue reviews the development in the international community in the past 50 years. It analyzes the nature of the Tibetan issue and explains how it is connected with the changes in the international situation.
The issue also touches on the report of life sentence to Dr. Wang Binzhang, a Chinese democracy activist.
Since March 2003 is the 15th anniversary of the International Campaign for Tibet, the journal looks back on 15 years of working for Tibet.
The Journal also carries a letter by a Tibetan who came to the United States from Tibet a year ago.
Liaowang Xizang continues with the reprinting of excerpts from the biography of Lobsang Tashi, a Chinese army official who defected to the Tibetan side in the late 1950s. This is from the book, “Toward to freedom —the Story of a officer from PLA joined Tibetans’ resistance movement in 50s.”