At the request of Kirti Kyabgon, a prominent lama residing in Dharamsala, the Dalai Lama participated in a long-life (Tenshug) ceremony dedicated to his well being on February 23, 2002 in Dharamsala. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, lamas are made this ceremonial offering as a formal request for their continued existence in this world. Also, a routine medical checkup of the Dalai Lama on February 25 by his personal physicians have revealed that he is normal.
The Tibetan Government-in-Exile’s website, says, “Hundreds of Tibetans and westerners, braving rain and hail assembled at the Main temple to get a glimpse of their leader whose illness had caused concern amongst them.”
This was the Dalai Lama’s first public appearance since he was indisposed recently.
In the meanwhile, Dr. Tsewang Tamding, a personal physician to the Dalai Lama, has said that a routine checkup that he and two other personal physicians conducted on the Dalai Lama on February 25, 2002 revealed that he was normal. Responding to a Voice of Tibet interview on February 25, Dr. Tamding said he along with Dr. Wangyal and Dr. Tseten did the pulse diagnosis and other checkups in the morning. Dr. Tamding said there was no cause for concern or worry about the Dalai Lama’s health.