The Dalai Lama was discharged from his hospital in Mumbai (Bombay) on February 2, 2002. The Chairman of the Tibetan Cabinet has issued the following statement on February 2, 2002 concerning the Dalai Lama’s health.
“It is a matter of great joy that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, this morning, after having recovered from his illness. The panel of doctors attending to him stated that the recovery of His Holiness after a short span of hospitalisation was much faster than they had initially hoped and expected.
After taking a few days of rest in Mumbai, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is expected to arrive in Dharamsala on 9 February 2002, and begin his scheduled retreat soon after.
The sudden illness of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was mainly due to exhaustion from prolonged tours, teaching and other engagements, which did not give him time to rest and recuperate his health.
Over the past two weeks, Tibetans living in various parts of the world as well as well-wishers and supporters of Tibet, friends and followers of His Holiness, have performed prayers for His Holiness’ recovery and good health.
We have been receiving a great deal of messages about this everyday. I take this opportunity to thank you for your concerns and prayers which were indeed a great source of strength and hope.
In view of His Holiness’ recent illness, the Kashag has decided to regulate his future tour programmes and day-to-day activities. Particularly, on the basis of medical advice, the Kashag will request His Holiness to take complete rest for at least three months. This means his tour schedule for the months of March and April will have to be postponed.
The Kashag, concerned about His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s health and wellbeing, requests all not to seek public and private audiences, teaching, interviews and other engagements till the end of April 2002.
Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche
Chairman of Kashag