Lodi Gyari
The Dalai Lama’s representatives and the Chinese government have concluded five rounds of discussions since 2002, and Lodi Gyari stated during the briefing that these discussions have now reached a new level: “Both sides now have a deeper understanding of each other’s positions and of where the fundamental differences lie”. Lodi Gyari stated that while previously details of the dialogue had not been made public, recently the Chinese government has chosen to more publicly detail the discussions.
A full transcript of Lodi Gyari’s briefing, ‘The Current State of Discussions between the Dalai Lama and the Government of the People’s Republic of China’ (A John L. Thornton China Center and Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies Briefing) is available for downloading at the website of the Brookings Institution at http://www.brook.edu/fp/china/events/20061114.pdf. An edited transcript of questions and answers is also available on the Brookings website.