Harvard University is organizing a panel discussion on “Negotiations between the Dalai Lama and Beijing” on November 21, 2003. Two Chinese scholars and two Tibetan experts are participating in the Forum to be moderated by Prof. Ezra Vogel, an eminent China watcher at Harvard University.
The Forum, organized by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics (IOP) at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, is being participated by Xiaojiang Hu, Lecturer in Sociology, Harvard University; Lobsang Sangay, Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Law School; Bhuchung K. Tsering, Director, International Campaign for Tibet, Washington, D.C.; and Shiping Zheng, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Vermont.
The Forum is Harvard’s premier arena for political speech, discussion, and debate. Recent Forum events have included speeches by former President Bill Clinton, President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, General Richard B. Myers, Senator Edward Kennedy, President Lech Walesa, First Lady Barbara Bush, President Valery Giscard D’Estaing, and George Soros, among others. Additionally, the IOP and MSNBC are hosting the Democratic Presidential candidates in the Forum this semester.
Ezra Vogel, Henry Ford II Research Professor in the Social Sciences at Harvard University, will open the Forum with remarks and introductions of the panelists. The format for the discussion is conversational. Professor Vogel will spend the first 40 minutes of the Forum stimulating a discussion by asking questions and moderating an active give-and-take.
Following this discussion, Professor Vogel will moderate a 40-minute question and answer session with the audience. The audience will include Harvard College students, Kennedy School graduate students, Harvard Law School students, Harvard faculty and staff, as well as members of the community. The Forum is being co-sponsored by the Harvard Chinese Students Association, Harvard Students for a Free Tibet, Kennedy School’s China Caucus, and the Institute of Politics.