阿坝信号被屏蔽 满街全副武装的WJ 盾牌加身 手持狼牙棒 机关枪 中石油 中石化修在一堆 有WJ站岗 晚上不营业 怕被抢 阿坝阿 你到底有多乱 装甲车满街跑 三步一岗五步一哨
Cell service is blocked in Ngaba, and the streets are full of heavily-armed People’s Armed Police carrying shields, clubs, and automatic weapons. PetroChina and SinoPec stations have a bunch of People’s Armed Police standing guard. Stores close in the evenings, people are afraid of being robbed, Ngaba! You’ve become so chaotic. Armored vehicles fill the streets, every three steps there’s a guard post, every five steps a sentry.