【西藏初印象】从盐井进藏落脚芒康,西藏的不同一路上毫不掩饰地向我们展示:各项安检登记 驾驶证身份证还有禽流感 各种藏居特色 玛尼堆经幡以及每家每户的中国国旗 各类巡逻人员 公安警察武警或许还有便衣 各路驴友背包客 徒步骑车自驾或搭车~西藏的特别果真不是盖的~
First impressions of Tibet: Entered the Tibet Autonomous Region from Tsakha Lho and stopped in Markham, and we saw the way Tibet is unabashedly different: various security inspections, ID cards and drivers licenses still have bird flu, prayer flags fly along with Chinese flags on every house, various types of police officers on patrol, Public Security and police and People’s Armed Police and maybe plainclothes police, traveling backpackers on the roads, on foot or on bikes or in cars or just getting rides, Tibet’s special qualities indeed aren’t covered~