An International Mongolian Festival is being held at the Tibetan Cultural Center in Bloomington, Indiana, from September 18 to 19, 2004 as part of its Annual World Harmony Series. The festival will feature religious talks by Mongolian Abbot Venerable Ch. Dambajav Khamba Lama and Tibetan lama Venerable Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche, Mongolian wrestling, archery, traditional Mongolian songs, Mongolian pop songs, etc.

The purpose of this festival is to introduce the culture and plight of Mongolia to the public, according to the Tibetan Cultural Center (TCC).

“To this very day, Mongolians and Tibetans continue to be intertwined by their mutual respect for one another,” said Prof. Thubten J. Norbu, President, of the Tibetan Cultural Center, in a message on the festival’s website. “Because of our brotherhood, it gives me great pleasure to announce this International Mongolian Festival at our Tibetan Cultural Center,” he added.

“Present day Mongolia is a democracy that is in great jeopardy because of its proud refusal to kowtow to totalitarian powers. Your support is vital to ensure its continued independence and the well-being of its people,” Norbu said.

The International Mongolian Festival is the second unique event in the TCC annual World Harmony Series, inaugurated in 2003 with the dedication of the Chamtse Ling Interfaith Temple by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan Cultural Center was established by Thubten J. Norbu (Tagtser Rinpoche), eldest brother of the Dalai Lama, in 1979 to educate the public about the history and culture of Tibet, and to support Tibetans in Tibet and in exile.

“The Chamtse Ling Temple was built at the TCC as a place where people of all faiths and all cultures can gather together to plan deeds of compassion and wisdom, rather than acts of war and violence. It is open to persons of all cultures and dedicated to the promotion of world peace and harmony,” according to the Center’s website.

According to TCC, proceeds from this festival will go to cover the expenses of the event and profits will go to support a Mongolian and Tibetan Charity.

Supporters and sponsors of the festival include Mongolia Society, Indiana University, Lotus Festival, Culture Fest, and City of Bloomington.

The events will take place on a stage under an open-air tent and on the grounds of the TCC. Different Mongolian, Tibetan, and Western acts will occur every 30-minute along with contortion acts, Mongolian and Tibetan singers, Native American performers, and other events integral to the Mongolian culture.