The Resolve Tibet Act

When President Biden signed the Resolve Tibet Act on June NUMBER, 2024, this crucial new piece of legislation became the law of the United States. Proceeding at every step of the way with resounding support and a number of unanimous votes, the Resolve Tibet Act sends a clear message to China and gives the US State Department a new mandate to combat Chinese disinformation on Tibet.

The passage of the Resolve Tibet Act is a success story that took time, effort, and dedication from Members of Congress, Tibetan communities, the Central Tibetan Administration, and advocacy groups like ICT.

Here’s how it happened:

The Resolve Tibet Act

When President Biden signed the Resolve Tibet Act on June NUMBER, 2024, this crucial new piece of legislation became the law of the United States. Proceeding at every step of the way with resounding support and a number of unanimous votes, the Resolve Tibet Act sends a clear message to China and gives the US State Department a new mandate to combat Chinese disinformation on Tibet.

The passage of the Resolve Tibet Act is a success story that took time, effort, and dedication from Members of Congress, Tibetan communities, the Central Tibetan Administration, and advocacy groups like ICT.

Here’s how it happened:





Between 2002 and 2010 the Chinese and Tibetan sides met repeatedly for negotiations. The Tibetan side was led by the late Gyari Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama’s Special Envoy and ICT’s Executive Chair. Since 2010, however, the Chinese side has refused further dialogue despite calls for resumption from the international community.

Tibet Brief 20/20

Michael van Walt, an international law expert and member of ICT’s Advisory Board, publishes Tibet Brief 20/20. This book argues that countries around the world have specific obligations to support Tibet under international law. It prompts discussions among Tibet supporters, and Sikyong Penpa Tsering referred to carrying a copy of it in a recent ICT interview.

ICT leadership and US Congress

ICT staff, Tibetan leaders, and prominent Tibet supporters in Congress repeatedly meet to discuss how new legislation could lend greater support to the resumption of Sino-Tibetan dialogue. These talks culminate in an April 2022 meeting hosted by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which the Dalai Lama’s Representative Namgyal Choedup calls “highly decisive and constructive.”

May 2022

In May, Sikyong Penpa Tsering and ICT Board Chairman Richard Gere visit Washington, meeting with top US officials and influencers and building support for new initiatives on Tibet.

June 2022

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) holds a hearing in June entitled “Tibet: Barriers to Settling an Unresolved Conflict.” Michael van Walt testifies, as does ICT Board Member Ellen Bork and former ICT President Tenzin Tethong. The hearing examines how US policy can support the resumption of dialogue.

June 2022

As the 8th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet takes place in Washington in June, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jim McGovern reveal that new legislation will soon be introduced pushing for a peaceful resolution to the Chinese government’s decades-long illegal occupation of Tibet.

July 2022
McCaul and McGovern

In July, Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) introduce the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Conflict Act, also known as the Resolve Tibet Act. It builds on the ideas from the CECC hearing and is designed to this strengthen US efforts to push the Chinese government to resolve the longstanding Tibet-China dispute through dialogue with Tibetan leaders.

December 2022
Senators Jeff Merkley and Todd Young

In December, just before the 117th Congress comes to an end, Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Todd Young (R-IN) introduce a matching bill in the Senate.

January 2023
US Capitol

As the 118th Congress begins the same group of Congresspeople quickly reintroduce the bill.

March 2023
Tibet Lobby Day 2022

In March, Tibet Lobby Day 2023 brings 160 Tibetan Americans and Tibet supporters to Capitol Hill to build support for the Resolve Tibet Act. Their efforts result in new co-sponsors signing their names onto the bill in the House and Senate.

March 2023

At the same time, the CECC holds another hearing on Tibet to examine growing restrictions on linguistic and cultural rights in Tibet and transnational repression faced by Tibetans abroad. Richard Gere and Sikyong Penpa Tsering testify, among others. After the hearing, members of Congress hold a press conference in front of the Capitol with Richard Gere calling for passage of the Resolve Tibet Act.

June-August 2023
Congressional postcard

That summer, Tibetan communities including those in New York, Minnesota, Colorado, and Virginia signed tens of thousands of postcards to their senators and representatives asking them to co-sponsor the bill.

October 2023
Sikyong, Richard Gere, Mitt Romney

In October, Richard Gere and Sikyong Penpa Tsering again travel to Washington, meeting with Congressional leaders, Biden administration officials, local Tibetan Americans, and journalists to build support for the bill.

November 2023
Michael McCaul

In November, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted unanimously to approve the Resolve Tibet Act, marking a significant step forward for the bill. Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., a main sponsor of the bill, said in a statement: “My bill requires the State Department to counter the PRC’s disinformation about Tibet, its history and its institutions, including that of the Dalai Lama. Rather than lie about the history of Tibet, I call on the Chinese Government to restart dialogue with the Dalai Lama to resolve the long-standing dispute between Tibet and China and respect the aspirations of the Tibetan people.”

February 2024

In February, the House of Representatives passed the Resolve Tibet Act in an overwhelming bipartisan vote. Rep. Young Kim raised it for the vote, saying: “Tibetans are democracy-loving people who wish to freely practice their religion and have their distinct identity acknowledged and respected. I’m proud to play a small part in supporting this dream for the Tibetan people.”

March 2024
Tibet Lobby Day 2024

In March, Tibet Lobby Day 2024 brought a record-breaking number of participants to Washington to support the bill. More than 200 Tibetan Americans and Tibet supporters met with nearly 100 congressional offices, and the following weeks brought a surge of new Senate co-sponsors.

April 2024
Senate Foreign Relations Committee

April brought the approval of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which came as Sikyong Penpa Tsering returned to Washington once more to push for the bill alongside Richard Gere. With this key hurdle out of the way, the Resolve Tibet Act moved to the Senate floor.

May 23, 2024
US Capitol

On May 23, 2024, the Senate unanimously approved the Resolve Tibet Act. Senator Jeff Merkley, an original sponsor, said: “All peoples around the world have inalienable rights to freedom and self-determination, including the Tibetans,” while Senator Todd Young noted that “the Senate’s vote to pass this legislation demonstrates America’s resolve that the CCP’s status quo – both in Tibet and elsewhere – is not acceptable.”

June 12, 2024
McGovern and McCaul

Although it had now been passed by both the House and Senate, the Resolve Tibet Act emerged from the two legislative bodies with minor wording differences that necessitated a return to the House floor for final passage. It was approved on June 12 in another landslide, with 391 votes in favor.

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