In the early 1990s, China’s notorious prisons in Tibet held hundreds of political prisoners. Among them was a group of 14 young nuns imprisoned in the dreaded Drapchi Prison. On account of their comradery and solidarity—including in recording songs in praise of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibet—they came to be known as the Drapchi 14 or the singing nuns.

In our new book, “Tibet in Chains: The Stories of Nine Tibetans Nuns,” the International Campaign for Tibet shares the stories of nine of these women in their own words. And in this special Tibet Talk, you’ll get to hear from two of the former nuns, listen to readings from the book and learn more about the plight of Tibetan political prisoners.

Download the eBook version of “Tibet in Chains” from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books or other online retailers. The book is available for 99 cents on Amazon and free from most other sellers.

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