In 1991, the US Congress passed the Tibetan Immigration Act of 1990, which provided 1,000 immigrant visas for natives of Tibet in India or Nepal. As a result of this one act, we now have thriving Tibetan American communities in more than 27 states across the country. They are established as part of the fabric of American society, contributing to its wellbeing, but also knowing well the plight of their homeland and carrying the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in their daily lives.

In this Tibet Talk, you’ll learn more about the passage and impact of this legislation with Tenzin Tethong, our founding president, Rinchen Dharlo, the Dalai Lama’s representative at the time, and Ngawang Dolkar and Tenzin Jigme, whose family members were part of the original 1,000 Tibetans who came to the US through this program.

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