This is the text within the “p” tag which is the main body of any webpage. This is a link (the “a href” tag) within the main body of text. Clicking on this will not actually take you anywhere, just a test. The point of using the tags is that you can set standards for a wide variety of texts that you change in one place, the style sheet. Then once you make a change there it is automatically updated throughout the entire site.

This is text under the heading tag of “h1”

This is text under the heading tag of “h2” The header tags usually go down in size from “1” being the largest and “6” being the smallest.

This is text under the heading tag of “h3” I can set values to be anything for any of these tags: font-family, size, weight, color, style

This is text under the heading tag of “h4” These header tags are used as subheaders within pages

This is text under the heading tag of “h5” When you wrap text in a header tag it will force a line break, you can not use it within the main body without it causing a line break

This is text under the heading tag of “h6”