Tibetan-Americans and Tibet supporters from across the United States are visiting the U.S. Congress in the fourth annual ‘Tibet Lobby Day,’ on March 19-20, 2012. Every participant is eager to brief his of her Senators and Representatives on the Tibetan self-immolations and protests and to appeal for U.S. leadership in promoting policy change in Tibet.
This year will see a record setting number of participants, around 140, and the highest number of Congressional offices visited, at more than 120. Tibet Lobby Day is a collaborative effort organized by the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and other Tibet groups, including Tibetan Associations, the Tibetan Youth Congress, and Students for a Free Tibet.
Todd Stein, ICT Director of Government Relations said “It is deeply inspiring to work with so many committed individuals and to know, as a former Hill staffer, how well their personal advocacy will be received in Congress.”
In light of the ongoing intensified crack-down in Tibet, people all over the country are joining forces, including through social media campaigns, to ask for concerted congressional action that will send a strong signal to Tibetans inside Tibet and Chinese authorities that the world is aware of the dire situation Tibetans are facing.
The principal ‘Tibet Lobby Day’ requests include: support for Senate Resolution 356 calling on the Chinese government to end its crackdown and address the legitimate grievances of the Tibetan people; and support for VOA Tibetan language radio which has been proposed for elimination in the President’s FY2013 budget.
In addition to the days’ actions on Capitol Hill, Tibet supporters who could not travel to Washington, D.C. will lend their voices to ‘Tibet Lobby Day‘ by participating as ‘Virtual Lobbyists’ in an online appeal that has already produced thousands of messages to more than 470 congressional offices.
Real-time Tibet Lobby Day activities and photos can be found on Twitter through #TibetLobbyDay.