Matteo Mecacci and Tencho Gyatso participate in a rally in Washington, DC.
ICT President Matteo Mecacci participated today in a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy and then took part in the march to the White House that followed. Mr. Mecacci said:
“I am pleased to join with the Tibetan-American community to mark Tibetan National Day and the 55th anniversary of the uprising in Tibet against Chinese rule. It is essential to elevate our voices for justice in Tibet, and to remind both the Chinese government and the international community that there won’t be peace in China until there is peace in Tibet.
ICT EU Policy Director Vincent Metten was in Dharamsala to commemorate the anniversary, and is accompanying the delegation from the European Economic and Social Committee, led by its President Henri Malosse. Mr. Metten said:
“The first ever participation of a President of an EU Institution at the commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising here in Dharamsala creates a precedent that will hopefully be followed by other top EU leaders. EESC President Henri Malosse today expressed publicly his support and solidarity for the Tibetan people and the Middle Way Approach. His statement sends a clear political message to Chinese leaders that the EU’s foreign policy is based on cores values of ‘democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity and respect for the principles of the UN Charter and International Law'”
The press release of EESC President Malosse, “At the 55th anniversary of the Tibet uprising, a European Tribute,” can be found here »
Per tradition, the Sikyong and the Tibetan Parliament in Exile issues statements on the anniversary. They can be found here »