At the Dalai Lama’s residence in India, an unusual visitor has arrived: a troubled Giant Panda who has traveled from many miles away. Welcoming him as a friend, His Holiness invites the Panda on a walk through a cedar forest. There, in the shadow of the Himalayas, surrounded by beauty, they discuss matters great and small. 

This is the warm, whimsical, wise story of a new book featuring words by the Dalai Lama and illustrations from the creator of “Mutts.” “Heart to Heart: A Conversation on Love and Hope for Our Precious Planet” calls for a compassionate revolution, elegantly and decisively conveying a message of joy, hope and change. In this Tibet Talk, we have our own heart to heart with the illustrator, Patrick McDonnell, about what inspired him to collaborate with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to create this timely gem of a book. 

Get your copy of Heart to Heart!

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