ICT’s Washington Internship Program for Tibetan Americans (WIPTA) is dedicated to promoting Tibetan American participation and representation at all levels of the political process. As part of our Lodi Gyari Tibetan Empowerment Program, it develops leadership and professional skills, encourages political and civic engagement, and fosters interest in public service careers.

WIPTA selects Tibetan American undergraduate students for summer internship placements in US Congressional offices in Washington, DC. It is part of ICT’s effort to empower the burgeoning Tibetan American community and to foster their civic engagement by providing meaningful opportunities and exposure to the US political process.

In the light of the passing away of Mr. Lodi Gyari, ICT’s former executive chairman and president, ICT has chosen to honor his legacy by naming its Tibetan empowerment program after him and by calling the participants of WIPTA “Lodi Gyari Fellows.” Advocacy for Tibet and empowerment of the Tibetan people were issues that Lodi Gyari cared deeply about.

The Lodi Gyari Fellows will take part in a six- to eight-week summer internship program to experience American politics and public policy. They will gain a firsthand view of the policymaking and legislative process, as well as access to high-profile leaders in Washington, DC.

Selected candidates are required to participate in WIPTA orientation and training programs, complete weekly journals and submit a program evaluation at the end of their internships.

WIPTA supports each participant with roundtrip airfare within the continental US and a stipend to cover housing and other expenses.

(Students who have independently secured internships in Washington, DC with federal entities could be eligible to apply for WIPTA if they meet the application guidelines.)

WIPTA Timeline:

  • January: Accepting Applications until Feb 4, 2024
  • February: Interview and Selection Process
  • March: Final announcement

Email [email protected] if you have any questions.